Creating Faux Vintage Photo Prints for Canvas
In the world of interiors, vintage is very much in vogue. From old-style telephones through to retro prints for the walls, adding a little something from a bygone era is a fun way to explore the development of art and design. One of the things we’ve seen pop up in magazines and online home-ware stores recently is lots of vintage postcard-inspired prints. Some of these prints feature just a single postcard blown up and framed, while others are a mock collage of vintage cards. Here's a guide on creating faux-vintage photo prints for canvas.
If you’re a fan of vintage styling, you’re probably already thinking about photo opportunities at festivals and fairs you are planning to go to this summer, and how you can perhaps put to use photographs you have already taken. There are some great festivals coming up (take a sneaky peek at this article from the Telegraph to find one near you), but you don’t necessarily need to venture outside to create this kind of artwork.
Today we are going to look at how you can create your own personalised vintage fashion prints, using a few simple photography tricks.
Styling your set
To achieve the aged cream background that you see in pin-up style photographs, you’ll need a neutral background to shoot your model against, something like a white or beige curtain. To help diffuse the light, face the model towards a light source – this could be an open door or window and use a card to direct light while you shoot. This will help you take great portrait shots and allow you to edit that backdrop to look more authentic later.
Styling your model
You don’t have to use a female model for this project; you could equally choose to select a male model or a couple to pose scenes. Whatever you opt for, you’ll need to display some attention to detail to truly give your prints ‘the look’. If you’re not an experienced stylist you can find lots of the 40s and 50s hair and makeup tutorials online – from victory roll how-tos to lipstick application. Put in a little practice and your images will look all the better for it.
Props and poses
The obvious wardrobe selection for your model at this time of year is retro-inspired swimwear – there are lots of vintage-inspired swimsuits and high waisted bikini sets to be found on sale on the high street at the moment. By lying your model on a mat or towel or snapping them posing with a sun umbrella, you can recreate the postcards of yesteryear. Another option is to use props like vintage suitcases, macs, office outfits and even old sportswear to create interesting scenes. It doesn’t have to be all about the art either. You might choose to photograph using your smartphone and layer over quirky messages like those found on birthday cards displaying old preppy photographs. Try exploring a few of these options to get the most out of your shoot. Take a look at Pinterest to find further ideas for styling and setting.
Once your shoot is done and you have lots of unusual snaps to play with, you might choose to create your own collage of images all one big custom canvas. Alternatively, transfer individual images to canvas and give as gifts or use to add a touch of vintage class in your own home.
Feeling inspired? Get in touch today to find out how we can help you make the most of your images when creating faux-vintage photo prints.