Making waves in coastal photography
Even though many of us aren't experiencing the best beach weather right now, we're blessed that our coastline holds much beauty, whatever the season. If you are lucky enough to live near the coast, don't wait for the sunshine - take advantage of the different types of images you can capture during the colder months!
Use this guide to making the most of the beach, the waves and the wildlife to ensure your next coastal canvas prints are really impressive.
Working with the weather
Brilliant sunshine and blue skies provide some lovely coastal photography, bringing a piece of sunshine into your home with your favourite beachy prints. However, spring, autumn and winter will also provide some excellent scenery to snap at to give a different feel to your coastal photography.
Stormy seas and snowy pebble beaches can be equally as stunning as summer sunsets and overcast skies will test your skills of photographing in low light. Check out the Parrot Print post on creative beach canvas ideas for more all weather inspiration.
Your coastal kit
As well as your trusty camera, you will also need a selection of waterproof tools to keep salty sea water spray from hitting your lens, rain water from getting into the inner workings of it, and of course to protect everything from sand!
Think about purchasing:
- Waterproof camera cover
- Waterproof camera case
- A waterproof camera (for underwater shots)
- Waterproof lighting
Capturing the fun
Being at the coast is relaxing and brings out the fun side of everyone. There’s many activities you could orchestrate to capture the fun and frivolity of a coastal visit such as writing in the sand - ‘I love you’, ‘The Davidsons were here’ or ‘Roses are red, violets are blue…’ for example. Snap the little ones drawing their favourite cartoon characters in the sand or attempting grand sand castles.
You can also take pictures of group mid-air jumping shots (which is trickier than you might imagine) with a group of people. Try to shoot multiple frames per second to help you to capture the perfect shot. It’s surprising how competitive this can get…
Playing tag is also a good way to see the fin in action – there’s sure to be some funny faces as people are about to be tagged as ‘it’!
Coastal wildlife
Coastal habitats extend beyond just beaches. Seaside towns, estuaries, rocky areas and cliffs are home to an array of fascinating creatures. Be on the lookout, especially in and around cliffs for birds such as herring gulls and puffins. If you’re really lucky you could capture a gannet mid hunt above the sea.
Surprisingly, certain sections of the UK coast can house dolphins, porpoise and otters, all very playful creatures that with patience can play up for the camera.
Receding tides can reveal a plethora of small crustacean and marine life. Take a walk around rock pools at these times to see whelks, mussels, and hermit crabs.
Having trouble getting your vision to come together? Try our guide to vision boarding your next photography project.