Creative beach canvas print ideas
The seaside offers up some amazing photography landscapes as well as the opportunity to play about with lighting, active subjects and your imagination. So pack up the beach towels, sun cream and loose change for the amusements and head on down to your closest seaside. What awaits you are endless possibilities for an excellent photograph you’d be proud to turn into a canvas print.Check out these beach print ideas to whet your photography whistle…
Capturing someone jumping up in the air against a backdrop of sand, sea and sunshine is a great traditional holiday shot. As a photographer it tests your timing skills, as well as your understanding of the lighting challenges you might face. This form of photography has its own term: jumpology. You can find details on how to create your own perfect jump shot in our dedicated blog post. In the meantime, try these tips:
Top tips:
• The lower you take the shot from, the higher your jumper will appear
• The continuous burst mode on your camera will take several photos with every click - giving you more chance of catching the perfect frame
• Get your subjects to try to create shapes while jumping, this will give the impression of them floating rather than jumping straight up
Say it with sand
Writing in the sand is playful and romantic. It is easy to capture in a photograph and can become an excellent canvas for a loved one that they will treasure. Whether it is a proposal, the marking of a special day or simply a declaration of love, saying it with sand never gets old.
Top tips:
• Angle the shot to take in the sand writing, the sea lapping at the shore and the horizon for a photograph that captures the whole setting
• Try to find an area free from stones or other beach debris for a clean shot
Man’s best friend
Dogs make the best subjects at the beach. They have boundless energy are incredibly enthusiastic about their surroundings, they’re always happy and for the most part they don’t mind getting wet! Take your furry friend to the beach and snap away as they dart about fetching sticks, go paddling in the sea and sniff about in the sand.
Top tips:
• To capture the movement well, try to pre-focus on a point of reference and then wait for your dog to cross its path
• Use a long zoom to capture your dog’s movements as they will be less aware of what you’re doing and less likely to play with your camera lens
• Make your photo shoot as fun as possible for the dog. Have plenty of treats with you to encourage good behaviour and be patient
Ready for sunset?
One of nature’s wonders has to be a sunset. The mix of colours change daily and seeing the sun set across the horizon of sea and sky is exquisite. But how do you make sure you make the most of this beautiful time of day in your photography?
Top tips:
• Underexposing the photograph will help to make the colours look more rich and defined - use manual mode and select a fast shitter speed
• Put the horizon in the bottom third of the photograph so you can fully capture the colours in the sky
• Stay longer than you initially planned to - once the sun sets below the skyline, you get what is known as a second sunset (about 25 minutes later)
Why not check out the Parrot Print shoreline snap guide for more beach photography tips? Plan your next seaside trip using the guide to the best beaches in Britain 2016 as voted by TripAdvisor users and you could soon be turning your best beach shots into customised canvas prints.