Celebrating Photo Month
Happy Photo Month to all the snappers out there! If you didn’t know May is photo month, which we absolutely love here at Parrot Print. Photo Month is all about encouraging beginners and professional photographers to try new techniques, improve their skills and most importantly have a whole load of photography fun!
Since this month is extremely important to us, we’ve put together some tips and ideas on how you can make the most of this fabulous celebration.
Let’s Experiment
Whether you’ve been capturing photos professionally for years or do a bit of photography on the side as a hobby, now’s the perfect time to stray away from your comfort zone and learn something new. If you love your fashion and editorial, why not change things up and try sporting photography? We know it’s completely different, but you never know you just might like it! If you want to perfect capturing detail, why not try underwater photography or insect photography? The point of experimenting with different genres is to vary your photography techniques and improve on your skills. You might find stepping out of your comfort zone daunting, but during this month you can see what else you’re capable of, and you never know, you might discover you have incredible skills at a photography style you never thought about.
One Photo A Day
Photo Month is the perfect time to push yourself to the limits and set yourself a photography challenge. A popular challenge is the one photo a day challenge, which basically means you take one photo a day and share it across your social media platforms. This challenge is especially good if you want to improve your Instagram channel, as you’re constantly pushing a photo in your followers feed. There are plenty of photography projects
for you to choose from, plus, at the end of the month you could even turn your most liked photo into a unique canvas print as a reward.
New Accessories
We understand that you don’t need an excuse to buy yourself some new photography equipment, however, if you’ve been saving for an expensive piece then this is as good a time as any to splash the cash and treat yourself. If you’re planning on travelling this summer, why not pick up some new travel photography accessories? This equipment will also come in handy when travelling from shoot to shoot. If you’re studio is filled to the brim with accessories, then invest in your editing equipment by downloading some new photography apps.
How do you plan to celebrate photo month? Are you doing any of the activities that we mentioned? Did you buy a new accessories? Don’t forget to share your Photo of the Month with us and let us know how what you’re getting up to on Facebook and Twitter.