Observation and its importance in photography
Have you made it your New Year’s resolution to make more of your photography? Perhaps you’re considering taking part in some of the photography projects we recently mentioned on the blog? If 2016 is the year you plan to step things up a gear, perhaps you don’t need to make as many or as big a change as you think.
Photography is the art of observation, of recording people, places and moments in time. As iconic French photographer Elliott Erwitt said: “To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” Elliott Erwitt. It’s certainly nice to travel to exotic places and observe beautiful landscapes and other cultures in action but the very best photography sees the interest in the ordinary: how can you put that into the heart of your photography and the images you transfer to canvas?
Change your habits
Photographers often say they are never without a camera. Whether they carry a small point and shoot or a smartphone in their pocket, they are always ready to capture something they observe because they have their camera with them. If you want to take more photographs it makes sense that you may want to follow in their footsteps but could you also consider redirecting the regular path of your foot steps? Creators, innovators and artists do find inspiration in everyday objects and happenings but they also come across new ideas by walking to and from work by different routes, trying out new restaurants, taking part in new activities. Changing your habits can bring a wealth of photographic opportunities, not to mention the chance to observe and meet interesting individuals.
Make time for your art
One of the biggest barriers we put in place with developing our interests is time. Setting up a shoot is time consuming, finding the time to edit images can be tricky if you’re also running a home and have a full time job but that doesn’t mean you can’t afford time to spend on your photography. If you’re one of those people who feels guilty when you’re not being ‘productive’ remind yourself of the benefits or time spent doing something you enjoy. And remember, many of the best photographs take advantage of a chance encounter rather than being pre planned. That said, trying out different techniques and analysing the work of other photographers can really help us hone our skills: could you make it your resolution to try out one new technique or visit a photography exhibition once each month?
What are your New Year’s resolutions? Is there a particular aspect of your photography that you plan to focus on this year? We’d love to hear what you’re all working on!