Trees, Cards And Elves – The Latest Xmas Decor Trends
From pine trees and twinkling lights to sparkling tinsel and Elves on Shelves, there are a huge range of classic and modern decorating traditions that will soon be taking hold of UK homes. But, which will you embrace, which will you try and swerve, and what will you use and turn into a photo opportunity? In today’s post we explore the latest xmas decor trends and the photography backdrops they create…
The Humble Christmas Tree
For thousands of years the evergreen fir tree has been used by pagans and Christians to celebrate winter festivals. The tree itself is a symbol of everlasting life with God. Each item we use to decorate a tree in today's society has a meaning behind it. Fairy lights represent the flickering flames of candles and the baubles are inspired by fruit that Romans would hang on trees all those years ago.
Fast-forward to 2018 and we’re now taking Christmas decor very seriously. In the age of social media where everyone is striving for likes, Christmas decorations need to look Pinterest pretty, or completely Insta-worthy. People now go into a lot of effort when it comes to choosing their decorations, starting with a theme. Favourites include a traditional looking tree with a matching colour scheme of lights, baubles and tinsel. Or, something a little alternative and eye-catching like a bright pink artificial tree, or fibre optic tree.
The Perfect Tree Backdrop
Since people are getting more creative with their designs, they want to reflect their efforts by capturing them on camera. No matter your style, or theme, there’s a way you can snap up your display and showcase your decorations. There’s the iconic and classic image of the tree standing proud all lid up with the roaring fire in the background.
For those who want a more instagrammable image, place yourself, or ask a friend to sit in front of the tree. Perhaps curled up with a cup of hot chocolate in a cosy knit, or pyjamas that complement the theme of the tree. Don’t be afraid to venture outside too. Take it back to the beginning by capturing this tree in its natural environment and then document the process of getting it home and decorating it.
Christmas Cards
The custom of sending Christmas cards was started in the UK in 1843 by Sir Henry Cole. Sir Henry had the idea of sending Christmas cards with his John Horsley, who was an artist. Together they designed the first ever card and then sold them for one shilling each.
Personalised Paper
Even in the digital age Christmas cards are still very popular and will be displayed in many homes this winter. There are various ways in which people showcase their Christmas cards. Some purchase card holders and display them around the living room, others stick them to the wall to create a Christmas card canvas and then others hang them on twine up the banister. Some cards have pride of place on the mantelpiece above the fire. These cards are usually from close family members, or even ones that are personalised with a Christmas shoot on them. Want to create your own Christmas card shoot to display this winter? Then take inspiration from these shoot ideas.
Elf Toys And Where They Came From
Elf on the Shelf launched in 2005 with the with the story, The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition, written by Carol Aebersold and illustrated by Coë Steinwart. This children's picture book explains how Santa Claus finds out which children are naughty and which children are nice from his little helpers - Elves that sit on shelves in our homes.
Elves Around The Home
Over the last few years, Elf on the Shelf has become very popular with both adults and kids in the UK. Not only do they bring the festive spirit out in kids and adults, but they are a wealth of fun and create great photo opportunities. Just take a look on Instagram using the #ElfOnTheShelf hashtag and you’ll be overwhelmed with ideas and naughty elves. In addition to filling up your social media feed, take it one step further and blow up your naughty elf images onto a canvas print and use them as decorations around your home. Not only are they festive, but make great talking points with family and friends, and will be suitable for years to come.
What’s your favourite part of Christmas decorating? Do you have heirloom decorations, or make your own? Do you make an event of putting up all the Christmas decorations with your family?