Looking Forward to Interiors Trends for Autumn 2018
It’s hard to believe that after such a hot summer we’ll soon be spending more time cozied up indoors out of the cold. To make sure you’re home is ready for nesting and entertaining, today we’re talking interiors trends for the months ahead. Ikea recently released their look book for the Autumn/Winter season sharing details of their four key trends. What’s popular in Ikea is often a good indication of the trend that will be popular on the high street and Pinterest alike, so let’s take a peek at Ikea’s trends and see what you might want to pick up and run with.
Dark and Moody
If you’re feeling like you’re thoroughly over millennial pink Ikea is pushing colours with a little more substance this season. Dark, rich pigments such as navy, burgundy and olive green are the colours of the season. Think bold, dark and moody. If that all sounds a bit strong for the walls, you could opt to introduce a few paces of statement furniture in strong shades or to create canvas wall art prints to subtly set the tone.
Winter Warmer
Do you love curling up with a book and mug of hot cocoa? Is the autumn/winter season all about Sunday sofa days spent under cosy blankets? The Winter Warmer trend sees a softer side introduced to the long running Scandi influenced interiors. Updating the look are soft greys and pinks for a more feminine feel along with striking metal accents. Include plenty of greenery for extra colour and happy houseplant vibes.
Bold Sustainability
Consumers being more conscious more conscious of materials used in furniture and furnishings is a long-established and growing trend. Ikea expects this to continue this season with many of us seeking to make more eco-friendly choices. Look out for furnishings made from materials such as sustainable cotton; expect sustainable wood options to enjoy more prominence too.
New Age Folk
Some form of strong print always seems to be a staple in the interiors world. Last year geometric prints and mandalas were the in thing. In winter 2018, traditional folk inspired prints in warming shades are tipped to be popular. Prints based on 18th and 19th century patterns in rich colours will work well alongside other recent ‘crafty’ trends such as rattan and fringing. We suspect that Christmas decorations this year may also take on a bit of a folksy vibe.
It’s always nice to see new season colour and print predictions making their way through onto the canvas prints we make for our customers. If you’re currently decorating, do you like the sound of any of these looks or do you prefer to do your own thing rather than keeping up with the trends?