Interesting photography trends for 2018
Keen to be on trend with your photography in 2018? Check out our shortlist of interesting points to keep in mind for your upcoming projects.
Be sure to read our post on celebrating your home town for project ‘inspo’ as well as our pick of great gift ideas for photography enthusiasts – treat for yourself maybe?
Moody lighting
Especially in fashion photography, moody lighting is becoming more and more popular, putting aside the ‘fad’ of shooting in harsh light. This trend gives a nod to a softer, more traditional, way of lighting your photographs.
SLR Lounge describes how the moody lighting trend has evolved in a studio setting: “The light being created in the studio is no longer being held hostage by perfectly bright midtones and a minimal ISO. It reflects the control and craftsmanship of an artisan who has mastered this skill; the light is being feathered and delicately envelops the subject.”
An example of moody lighting in high-end fashion photography is the recent Dior campaign with actress Jennifer Lawrence by Brigitte Lacombe. Check out her Instagram account here.
What colours are on trend?
The use of colour in photography is so important, and being on trend with the colours you focus on will help to keep your images fresh and more sellable – should you be trying to make a living from them.
One of the interesting announcements each year is the ‘Colour of the Year’ from the Pantone Colour Institute. 2018 is the year of Ultra Violet, so bear this in mind for your next photoshoot. Although the name evokes images of a harsh colour palette, this is quite a luxurious and warm tone.
Other colours to experiment with include rose, peach and golden hues. The Winter 2017 issue of Porter starring actress Brie Larson is a great example of this colour palette in action.
Although moody lighting and softer colours are bang on trend, it is still important to have photographs – mainly portraits – that are true to the person being photographed. As was shown last year, women will not stand for over-photoshopping and retouching that changes the way they look drastically.
As with actress Lupita Nyong’o and her Grazia cover back in November 2017, the altering of her natural hair into a sleeker look offended not only her but many people of colour. These changes made in editorial and design, or even by the photographer themselves, can have further-reaching consequences.
This is also the case with photographs that have been edited so much that they are completely different from the original image. What skill ae you showing in your images – great photography skills or even better editing skills? Make sure that your subject (or client) is happy with changes being made that could alter the authenticity of the shot.