Downstairs Bathroom Artwork Ideas On Canvas

Downstairs Bathroom Artwork Ideas On Canvas

Downstairs Bathroom Artwork Ideas On Canvas

Downstairs Bathroom Artwork Ideas

Downstairs Bathroom Artwork Ideas On Canvas

Creative photo canvas ideas for your home

It may seem like a rather unusual topic for interiors inspired blog post but ever since we read the findings of a recent study that revealed we spend a whopping 74 hours every year sat on the loo (91 for men), we’ve been thinking of ways to make the time pass a little more pleasantly. With this in mind, today we bring you some of our best downstairs bathroom artwork ideas for brightening up your downstairs bathroom with some rather creative photo canvas prints.

Personalised Puzzler Canvas Art

Occupy your mind or show off your top score by having the image of a partially or fully completed crossword, sudoku or word search printed onto a photo canvas. Of course, you won’t want people to draw directly onto your print, so why not keep a notepad and pencil beside the toilet roll? Or, you could use the canvas as a space for displaying subtle messages like “put the toilet seat down!” just write your message into the crossword before photographing. Check out our recent post covering photo canvas ideas for your study space and you’ll find a neat how-to for a board game printed canvas.

A Tantalising Taster Print

If you’re a bit of a foodie you might be familiar with the trend of framing tasting menus from the best restaurants and popping them on your wall for all to see.  How about taking this one step further and creating your own taster print? Just upload a snap or scan of your taster menu along with a photo or two from the meal itself and select one of our split triptych or diptych canvasses. Voila! a magical moment remembered and a very unique piece of wall art.

Poem and Portraits

It’s not uncommon to see family portraits adorning the walls of the downstairs lavatory or to spot a quirky poem. Why not combine the two by layering a caption over your image before using our easy uploader tool, or selecting one of our two or three-panel canvasses? What you decide to print to canvas is up to you but a little note about making sure you don’t sprinkle while you tinkle always makes us smile.

Maps and travel prints

Our final creative print idea should give your toilet guests plenty to look at. Maps and travel photographs are not unusual pairings for artwork, however, combining the two with a personalised canvas print can give you something really unique. Again, this idea works really well on one of our split print canvas options.  First, fold a map and circle the destination where your images were taken. You can scan and upload this or take a photo, being careful not to use lots of flash as this will most likely reflect off the surface. Next, choose one or two of your favourite snaps that you shot in this place and position either side of the map.

Is your toilet in need of some downstairs bathroom artwork ideas? If you’re feeling inspired, take a look at our pricing guide and pick out the shape and size of your next digital photo project.


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