With the news season at our feet, take the opportunity to give your photography a fresh start. How is your photography going? Could your passion for beautiful imagery do with a spark of inspiration? Check out our pick of the best photography and illustration exhibitions to catch this month – sure to get your snapping […]
Parrot Print
4 inspirational exhibitions to visit in September 2017
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Pucker up: lip photography trend
Read more ......As with portrait photography, focusing on the lips can bring some really striking results, especially if you can master the detail involved. Once you have found a willing lip model, you must decide what kind of look you are going for and suitably prepare. Will this be glam with lipsticks and glitter galore? Or will […]
360 photography: getting the whole picture
Read more ......The world of photography is all about experimentation. Changing up your lens, using a completely different camera or trying new techniques is part and parcel of expanding your experience as a photographer. With that in mind, have you tried 360-degree photography? Put simply, this type of photography is about creating beautiful panoramas, capturing all 360 […]
Canvas print ideas for the dining room
Read more ......Where you and your family eat, where the children finish their homework, the area for family meetings – the dining room has an important place in the home and certainly deserves a bit of love and attention. While keeping in mind this year’s interior must-haves for the dining room – including vintage furniture, interesting light […]
Getting children interested in photography
Read more ......Do you remember the moment you fell in love with photography? Were you very little or did it creep up on you over time? Imagine getting you little ones into using a camera and documenting what they see – what could be more rewarding? Here, we look at ways to get them excited about this […]
Photography ideas for International Day of Friendship
Read more ......Our friends and friendships are so important for health and happiness. We all need people around us to celebrate the highs and to support us through the lows, being a part of each stage of each other’s lives. From childhood friendships, to those friends we meet later in life, all are important relationships to nurture. […]
Snap happy activities in National Parks Week
Read more ......National Parks Week runs from Monday 24 July until Sunday 30 July, celebrating all fifteen UK National Parks with the theme of ‘bringing people together’. Parks are excellent for shooting locations, giving beautiful landscapes and the opportunity to capture your loved ones in candid poses as they enjoy mother nature. The 15 UK National Parks […]
The photography buzz around bees
Read more ......Did you know that today is Don’t Step on a Bee Day? If this has passed you by so far, let this post remind you of the importance of our buzzy friends and how you can incorporate them into your photography and general do-gooding… What is Don’t Step on a Bee Day? With bee populations […]
Room with a view
Read more ......Taking spectacular shots on location is always an exciting prospect, but have you considered taking your photography in a different direction? The use of a window to frame your photograph can create some magical results, inviting the viewer to lean in to see more. It’s as if they are with you as you take it, […]
Feeling hot, hot, hot!
Read more ......We have been very lucky with the weather recently, enjoying scorching sunshine and cloudless skies in what seems to be a very hot summer. While enjoying this treat of tropical climes, it got us thinking about how to capture hot weather in your photography. How can you depict heat, sunshine and the effects it has […]