The Most Liked Instagram Photos Ever Infographic
You can be famous or you can be Insta-famous, and if you've made it into the ParrotPrint Most Liked Instagram Photos Ever Infographic, chances are, you're a bit of both!
In past blog posts about popular photography hashtags and expanding your audience on Instagram, we've shown you don't have to be a Kardashian to clock up some serious likes. In fact, contrary to the ever-popular Kardashian #selfie strategy, you may not even need to step in front of the lens yourself...
If you have a cute pet that has the potential to be an Instagram star or love taking landscape shots in some of the world's most beautiful locations, you could find yourself with some likes to rival the shots below. But just who and what has made it into the top spots when it comes to the most-admired photos on image-centric Instagram?
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Images oozing with Insta-love
Well, as you may have guessed, a photograph of a Kardashian or two made their way into our infographic. Also on the list are some celebrity couples who have loved and lost and a healthy helping of chart topping pop stars such as Justin Bieber and T-swift. Don't let their fame and good looks put you off shooting high when it comes to clocking up your own Instagram likes though! Photographic talent also goes a long way when it comes to making a mark on this social media platform, so let your love for the camera shine through.
Was our Insta hall of fame as you expected? Are these photos worthy of their most liked awards or are you surprised about which photographs clocked up the most clicks? As we type, there are images that are notching up new likes with the potential to take their place. Will one of your photos be one of them?